Point of purchase, or POP for short, is where people buy things. It could be a grocery store aisle, an electronics department at Best Buy, or possibly right outside of the restroom at the gas station. The bottom line is they are everywhere, and they’re very important to sales numbers! But how do these displays work?
POP displays are signs that are specifically designed to attract customers to buy a certain product. Some are advertisements, others allow you to interact with the product itself, and some do bot.

Supermarkets often use POP displays that play videos or show images on screens next to products that they are trying to promote and get people to buy. They make it easy for customers to find certain items in the store by giving directions on what aisle they are located in. Some even play music or other information that will make shopping more enjoyable!
A very common point of purchase display is a product sampling station because these displays allow you to try out products without committing to buying them. They look great and provide a nice area for customers.
Planning and Placing POP Displays
When planning and designing a marketing display, there are some considerations that you need to make. For instance, the material you use for your sign is crucial. POP signage material can come in many different materials, such as paper, acrylic, or polystyrene (also known as Styrofoam). The strength of the material will determine how easy it is to change displays and what types of impact they can take without taking damage.
There are many different locations where you can place POP displays: in stores, by entrances and exits, at checkout counters, and anywhere else you might think would be good to draw attention to your products! The best way that you can find out where to put them is by getting creative and trying things out!
If you’re looking for a high-quality point of purchase display or other marketing materials, get in touch with the professionals at KeithFabry!